· Key Highlights
· End to end platform |
As a systems trader, the tools you select will have a dramatic impact on your ability to efficiently create, test and deploy automated strategies. Whether you trade futures, forex or equities, you can significantly enhance your productivity through NinjaTrader’s modern array of strategy development tools and proven order execution capabilities. NinjaTrader provides an end to end platform for strategy creation, testing and automation through over 100 brokerages worldwide.
A True End to End Strategy Development Platform
A true end to end strategy development platform means that is must be able to handle every step of the development and automation process…this is where most current platforms fall short. In general, they only handle the strategy development process and leave you with a strategy that can’t be tested in real-time simulation nor executed live at your broker. Another significant limitation is that most use interpreted proprietary scripting languages which run slow and force you to learn a language that has no re-use value.
- Strategies run compiled code in C# for the highest possible performance
- Modern development environment
- Event driven model
- Battle tested live order execution capabilities
- Portability to execute at over 100 brokerages world wide
Powerful yet User-friendly Strategy Development & Testing
NinjaTrader is unique in that it makes strategy construction accessible for non-programmers and programmers alike. By utilizing a GUI driven point and click approach, traders without programming experience can start to assemble strategies quickly and easily. Programmers at all levels will find that our C# based approach, modern text editor with inline syntax checking and Intellisense gives them ultimate power, flexibility and extensibility.
- Trading System Development & Backtesting
- Trade Performance Analysis
Reliable Automation of Native and External Strategies
Whether you run external strategies in TradeStation or want the added performance of running native NinjaScript® strategies, you can rest assured that NinjaTrader is a reliable, battle-tested, and industry proven execution platform to automate any strategy in both live and simulated real-time market environments.
- Automated Trading
- TradeStation, eSignal and external strategy integration
Get started for free and have choice on where you trade
NinjaTrader understands that it takes time to develop a profitable trading strategy so we provide our trading platform for free supporting both real-time and historical data feeds. There is only a charge if you decide to execute live trades and when you make that decision you can select from over 100 brokers world wide because we also believe you should have choice on where you can trade.
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